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Smartscore PIANO edition har lika kraftfulla egenskaper vad det gäller själva igenkänningen av notpartitur som sin storebror Smartscore Pro.
PianoEdition är avsedd för pianomusik med två notplan. Notredigering, transponering, utskrift, filexport till MIDI-fil/EFn/NIFF och Finale-fil.
Turn your scanner into a player piano.
Scan, play, transpose and print out piano or solo sheet music. Audition nearly any piano arrangement in seconds. Transpose your score to a new key and print back out.
The perfect tool for the pianist, whether professional or student.
Recognize PDF files from the Internet. New Prodigy Engine tm captures nearly all nuances including articulations, dynamics, tempo, key and time changes. Practice along at slow speeds without affecting pitch. Mute, solo or diminish volume of any staff or voice during playback. Separate contrapuntal parts (e.g. SATB). Full control over your printed output: Center, resize, reformat, or reset margins using preset or custom templates. Burn playback to CD using authentic piano sounds from a complete library of world-class Garritan sounds included free.
Limits: 2 staves / no text or lyrics / no TAB or percussion.
Processes both multi-page PDF and .TIF files.
Transpose and Print Piano
or Solo Instrument Parts
You have the right piano arrangement, but it’s in the wrong key. You have the correct instrumental part, but it’s in the wrong clef. Scan, edit, transpose and print out your song in a new key or clef in just minutes with SmartScore X2 Piano Edition.
Nudge Mode
The SHIFT button has many options: Change note pitch, adjust beam angles, stem height and legatos. Fine-tune by nudging almost any symbol horizontally or vertically. Nudge a barline and the adjacent measures compress and expand while maintaining relative symbol positions.
Notation to TAB to Notation
Convert standard notation to TAB. Recognize TAB scores and convert to notation. With SmartScore’s smart fingering algorithm, fingerings will automatically conform to “best practices” for string players: Lowest hand position and closest fingerings as possible.
Complex Symbols Recognition and Editing
Superior recognition and editing of complex symbols such as cross-staff beams and voices, key and time signatures including change-of-key and change-of-time.
Document Setup and Preview
Control how your document will look when printed. Select preset margins and preview the layout: Center, right or left align, with or without header page. Apply or modify a preset layout or create and save your own custom layout.
Transpose and print directly from SmartScore. Open your score in Finale with just one button. Save as MIDI or MusicXML. Burn voices, parts or entire score to CD audio using Garritan sounds.
SmartScore finns i 5 olika varianter: Guitar, Piano, Songbook, Midi och Pro.
Klicka här för att se en jämförelse över de olika varianterna.
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