Ivory II Studio Grands
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Två exceptionella studioflyglar inspelade i legendariska studios! Steinway B-flygeln från Power Station New England i Waterford, Conneticut och Bösendorfer 225-flygeln från Firehouse Recording Studios i Pasadena, California.
Steinway B är historiskt ett av de mest inspelade pianon. Med en unik balans av storlek och kraft gör det till ett extremt mångsidigt instrument för alla musikstilar. Det idealiska studioinstrumentet – inte konstigt att Steinway refererar till det som ”det perfekta pianot”.
Bösendorfer 225 innehar en djupt resonant ton och en balans i alla register som aldrig ger upp på sin klarhet. Lite längre än de flesta studioflyglar, med fyra extra bastangenter. Har verkat på ett antal Grammy-vinnande och nominerade inspelningar.
Ivory II Studio Grands fungerar även som ett fristående virtuellt instrument.
LYSSNA HÄR på Tim Gilpin när han spelar
och HÄR lirar han lite Jazzigare
Ivory II-Studio Grands "Named One of the Best High-Tech Pianos"
"Ultimately, what you are definitely buying Studio Grands for is a set of great piano sounds and really, they don’t come much better than this."
Andy Jones, MusicTech RECENSIONEN (KLICKA)
“Synthogy continue to do what they do best, with another pair of stellar virtual pianos… There’s not one whiff of artificiality… these instruments feel alive, and encourage lengthy explorations at the keyboard. I’ll also happily praise the Ivory playback engine, which is stable, flexible, loads full 24-velocity-layer presets in about five seconds from an SSD, and can run very efficiently in terms of CPU. Everything the discerning virtual pianist would want is there…” —Robin Bigwood, SOUND ON SOUND
“Broadly speaking, the Bösendorfer sounds brighter than the more mellow Steinway, but both reproductions are astonishing. The first thing to note is the smooth velocity differences, with the sound changing dramatically as you strike keys with different strengths… Ultimately, what you are definitely buying Studio Grands for is a set of great piano sounds and really, they don’t come much better than this. So, if you have a spare 100GB lying around in your drive and you need an incredible piano or two at what I consider a bit of a great price – then Studio Grands is a must-have.” —Andy Jones, MUSIC TECH
- 2 GHz Quad-Core CPU
- 1.5 GB RAM
- 112 GB free hard drive space
- Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM
Rekommenderad hårdvara
- 2.4 GHz Quad-Core CPU
- 2 GB RAM
- 112 GB free hard drive space
- iLok key optional
- Any AU, AAX, or VST 2.4 plug-in host, or the included Ivory Standalone application
- Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or newer
- Any AAX, or VST 2.4 plug-in host, or the included Ivory Cantabile application
- Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 or newer