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Garritan Classic Pipe Organs Garritan Classic Pipe Organs

Garritan Classic Pipe Organs

1 795 kr
Finns i lager
Leveranstid 5-12 dgr
Leveranstid 5-12 dgr
Leveranstid 5-12 dgr

Garritan Classic Pipe Organs

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Garritan Classic piporglar är den enda ljudbibliotek i sitt slag som erbjuder ett urval av sex olika historiska piporglar som
spänner över 400 år. 
Barock, klassisk, renässans, Romantiskt, samt även två moderna piporglar finns med i denna samling. Du kan spela musik från Bach, klassiskt,romantisk musik, postmodern musik etc. och det låter helt fantastisk!
Detta är ett VST/ AudioUnit-kompatibelt ljudbibliotek som passar
de flesta musikprogram för Windows eller Macintosh. Finale,
Print Music, Mixcraft, Encore, Sibelius, Cubase, Digital Performer,
Pro Tools etc.  

 Här är en lista på de ljud som ingår.   


Diapason 8’, Stopped Flutes 8’ 4’, Quintadena 8’ 4’, Renaissance 8’ 4’, Pleno Combination, Ripieno Combination, Bass Combination, Blokwerk Stop, Renaissance Organ Blower Noise


Flauto Octava 4’ 2’, Principal 4’, Copula Major 8’, Forte 
Combination, Plenum plus Reed, Ripieno Combination,

Baroque Organ Blower Noise


Flute 8’, Strings 8’ 4’, Forte 8’ 4’ 2’, Principal 8’, Quintadena 8’, Pleno Combination, Forte Pedal, Pleno Pedal, Classical Organ Blower Noise


Clarinet 8’, Gamba 8’, Harmonic Flute 1 8’, Harmonic Flute 2 8’, Fortissimo 8’, Forte Combination, Pianissimo Combination, Strings Combination, Tutti Combination, Romantic Organ Blower Noise


Nasat 2 2-3’, Koppelflote 4’, Flutes 8’ 4’ 1’, Crumhorn8’, Gemshorn 8’, Prinzipal 8’, Baroque Plenum plus Reed, Baroque Plenum, Brustwerk All Stops, Hauptwerk Tutti, Hauptwerk Mixture, Scharf IV, Symphonic Plenum, Dulzian 16’, Pedal Rauschpfeife IV, Pedal Trompette 8’ 4’, Baroque Plenum plus Reed Pedal, Baroque Plenum Pedal, Posaune Pedal 32’, Modern 1 Blower Noise


Clarion 4’, Octave 4’, Quintadena 4’, Spitzflote 4’, Rohr Schalmei 4’, Clarinet 8’, Gemshorn 8’, Vox Humana 8’, Principal 8’, Trompete en Chamade 8’, Trompete 8’, Cornet IV, Flute Harmonique, Great Mixture IV, Contre Trompette16’, Pedal Choral Bass 4’, Pedal Mixture IV, Pedal Nachthorn8’ 4’, Pedal Octave 8’, Pedal Trompette 8’, Pedal Bourdon16’, Pedal Fagotto 16’, Pedal Principal 16’, Pedal Contre Bourdon 32’, Pedal Contre Fagotto 32’, Modern Organ 2 Blower Noise

  Classic Pipe Organs brings the power and majesty of the pipe organ into your studio, place of worship, rehearsal room, or home—at a fraction of the cost—and takes up far less room.

Composers can use this collection for inspiration, to capture creative ideas, and to sketch organ arrangements quickly. Hobbyists can use it to add organ sounds to their tracks. Beginners, organ enthusiasts, and music students can use it to learn, study, and practice organ music at home.

The organs in this collection can also be used to supplement Garritan Personal Orchestra and other libraries. 

ARIA advanced instrument engine

The Garritan Classic Pipe Organs library is proudly powered by the ARIA Player. Formats include Standalone, Plug-in Audio Unit, VST, & RTAS. As well as seamless integration with notation programs such as Finale. No need to purchase a
separate sampler. Garritan Classic Pipe Organs also features Conexant’s Endless Wave technology for hard disc streaming of multiple stops and ranks.

 New convolution sampled reverb 

Place your pipe organ in a cathedral, a small chapel, a variety of concert halls, or other acoustic spaces. Convolution Sampled Reverb takes sampled pipe organ instruments to new heights of realism.

·         Release decay technology

Special phase-aligned release triggers supply the characteristic pressure drop of the actual end of each organ note. The release samples retain all of the sound of the pressure drop while removing the room decay. This provides the flexibility to apply any decay characteristic or reverb and is wonderfully paired with the new convolution sampled reverb.


Watch Classic Pipe Organs in action​,   

Saint-Saens Organ Symphony

Amazing Grace

A Mighty Fortress



  System Requirements

Running Garritan Classic Pipe Organs is dependent on the speed of your computer. The faster the processor the better. 
Core 2 Duo CPU or better recommended
1 GB Minimum, 2 GB RAM recommended to play complex stop combinations. There is a direct correlation between the number of stops that can be loaded and the amount of available RAM. 
3 GB of free hard drive space. 
Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM preferred (5400 will work for fewer stops)

Internet connection for download version, DVD-ROM drive required for boxed version installation

Monitor with 1,024x768 resolution or better

A sound card compatible with ASIO 2 (PC) or Core Audio (Mac).

A MIDI interface may be required if you are using a MIDI keyboard. Many keyboards now use USB. A volume pedal and ability to assign controllers within your keyboard, music program or sequencer.

High-quality speakers and amplifier, or high-quality headphones. A subwoofer is recommended for the pedal stops.

Internet connection for downloads, updates, and online registration.




Drift & produktion: Wikinggruppen